Monday, February 2, 2009

schools back. =)

My first post in a long time, but I have been meaning to write but just haven't got around to it.
Well, todays Tuesday and last Thuirsday, school went back. I was looking forward to it a little, for the usual things like friends and new teachers and not being the little year seveners any more, but dreading the other side- work, work and more work. Although, now I reliese I quite like going to school. I wake up in the morning, and my first though is no! school!   but then once I'm dressed, bag packed, fed my dog, had brekky, I look forward to catching the bus. I know this is strange, but thats just me, weird.
Anyway, I have been knitting. I know- granny and boring and ...hard. But not for pleasure, (although I do enjoy bits and pieces some times!) my dads step brother and his wife, who our family is pretty close to,  are expecting twins in around 5months i think. So, while looking for ideas as I present from me, I discovers my old baby blanket that my Granny knitted me shoved away in a cupboard somewhere, and straight away I had a present. 
So, thats the verdict-  I'm knitting two baby blankets. Yay. =)


1 comment:

  1. Hey Billie! Nice blog you got going, keep up with it!

    Yer I've given up. Believe me, It'll be much better this way.
