Thursday, January 22, 2009


Yay! Mum and Dad have organized a surprise trip away for two nights this long weekend until Monday afternoon, although my brother and I have know idea where. Mum said that she has bought tickets to 3 different things for the family, so Im starting to wonder...
So, I won't be writing for a while..
Anyway, whats been happening the last couple of days? It's been a mixture between Mum and Dads work, home and Nans house. 
Anyway, have to go.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stuff to do.

By Billie.

  1. Start writing a book Dooneeee.
  2. Read the Twilight series Well, New Moon- 3/4 through... :S
  3. Write a blog   Done!
  4. Start learning a new language Whats the easiest language to learn?
  5. Find a new interest  Any ideas guys?
  6. Get fit!!  (As if!!)
  7. Ride a horse, do horse lessons, leearn barrel racing. Well, Mum and Dad need convincing first and that'll happen- in my dreams...
  8. Draw more. Donee.!!
  9. Learn Toki Pona.  Happening slowly!! =)
  10. Improve my posture. Copied from Kailin but extremly aimed at me for sure- I'm like a 70 year old lafy. Its terrible. 
  11. Send one letter and one email a week. Also stolen from Kailin- I like the idea.
  12. Go well in Year 8- achieve high marks.
Okay, thats that then. Well, theres not really that much to write about today. Its 10:19am and I woke up at 8:30, threw on my PSSA jumper and came and sat at the computer- I haven't even had breakfast yet! Although, I promised myself last night that today I'd go to the library and swap the 'Learn French' book I got for a 'Learn An Easier Langauge'  book as French is very hard to pronouce. So I'm heading towards German, Portuguese, Korean, Turkish and Esperanto ( which I've heard was made with the motto 'Easy!') hehe. So, if anyone has got easier langauges then that, please comment. 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Totally Addicted to ... Horses.

Well, I havn't written a long time! Since Monday, I have stayed at my Nan and Pops house in Coolamon. An enjoyable time, cooking slives and cakes with Nan and fishing down at the local tip with Pop. Nan was okay, but Pops activities were a little Lawsons style.  (<
Anyway, I love them and spending time with them was great :-)
Although, there computer ( i think was made in 1749 or close to then??  :P ) is a whole different story. Switching it on almost electricuted me and the keyboard letters wouldn't even move, they were sooo rusty. Obvisiously, the poor thing doesn't get switched on much. Then to actually click on the dial up (i know!) button was another 25 minutes waiting- then it wouldn't connect. It nearly blew up seven times after that! So sorry, I tried to write during the week, but - I had problems. 
Well, my heading mostly gives away what my subject is for this post. Horses. Since watching Dr Dolittle 3 
(where Maya goes away to a camp), I have fallen in loveee with horses. I have always had an intrest in riding and farms and rodeos and horses, but now I am really going to save for one. Or try to anyway. I'm not that controllable  when someone asks me to head down town with them. Anyway, horses are the  new faze. You know what to talk about when meeting me now.
Also, Twilight - I finished it! I'm obvisiously on to New Moon now and almost half way though it too. I'm loving Stephanie Meyer's style- its great!
I'll blog again later. And I'll metion,  Steph- thanks for getting me into blogging- i love it very muchly!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Toki Pona. Sounds Cool.

Well, today I recieved an awser from Kailtin to my questions about her blog. And, Toki Pona was one of my questions;  what is it? Well, its a language that a lady called Sonja Elen Kisa created (or published) in 2000. With only 118 words and 14 basic sounds, I am interested to look further into, even learn this language. So, I'm going to find the offical Toki Pona Book, and buy it or borrow it. Has anybody heard of this book or own it? <<( I suppose im only asking Seph and Kaitlin-haha)
^ Well, Steph, that was my random thing to report about today. Now, twilight. Well, I am so close to finishing the first book now. Here's a quote I adour from the start of the book:
"That’s Edward. He’s gorgeous, of course, but don’t waste your time. 
He doesn’t date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him." - Jessica.

I love it. Also, another one that I like:
"Your hair looks like a haystack, but I like it."   -Edward Cullen.
Anway, I'd better get going. I going to go check out thee library now for the Toki Pona Book, which has been added to my Holiday Resolutions list: 
-Find Toki POna Book
-Learn Toki Pona. 
Catcha. x

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Not Much Happening.

Well, I've been home all day with my little brother. Not much has happened in the last couple of days since I have written. Stephs was great fun on Monday and Tuesday, as we went to the movies to see ummm, Yes Man with Jim Carey in it ( its good! ). On Wednesday, I spent the day at mum and dads work ( could of killed myself from boredness! ) and Thursday lunchtime was spent at La Porchetta with my mum, aunty and nan for a girls only lunch. That was enjoyable, stuffing ourselves with pesto pasta and cesar salad! :)
Twilights biggest fan is still sitting here, although I agree with Steph  a little- it seems every girl between the ages of 12 and 16 love Twilight. But I don't mind- its still my favourite book ever! I've seen the movie and I'm 3/4 through the book. Rob Patterson (hottie!!) is amazing- lovin him atm!
Anyway, I can't write for much longer as my left hand is killing me from playing Guitar Hero on the Playstaion 2 for the last 3 hours...haha. Boredness again. It seems that these holidays are going fast and slow at the same time- three weeks past and still three/four weeks to go.  I'm not windging about holidays though- prefer a couple weeks off then a couple weeks on btw  :P

Monday, January 5, 2009

About me & Twilight!!

I bet that Steph's ideas for what to write in a blog shall come in handy one day, although right now I am bursting to write something (( stolen from Steph's friend )). A list of things about me.

I'm very short for my age
I enjoy reading, alot.
I am in love with Twilight.
I learn piano.
I like jewelry.
I go to the movies all the time.
I like my iPod and stange music, usually given to me by Steph.
I have used Steph's name alot already.
I breed Rabbits.
I got a Chihuahua for Christmas.
I enjoy singing, but don't have the voice.
I like writing.

Now that I've done that, I should tell you that my inspiration for blogging came from Stephanie. So check out stephs blog- Up The Sandbox. Its great. She nows what shes on about- unlike other people ((me))
Twilight is something I should metion ( for a second time ), to show how much I am obbessed with it. The movie is great, but the book is better, even though I'm only half way though it. I love it dearly!! :]
Enought of that now though, I'm still at Steph's now, so we are ready to go to her sisters house. So I'll blog again soon. Bye all!!

All because of Steph...

Yes, i have finally created a blog! Which I have thought about doing before- and if finally got around to signing up...all because of my friend Steph. We spent over nearly an hour trying to come up with a suitable name for the profile, finally deciding on Live.Love.Laugh-!
Well, not really knowing what the use of blogs are, I'm stuck for what to write.Steph says blogging is about the freedom to write whatever you like.

I can't get rid of the italics. Hey its Steph here. I like my writing simple and classy. Well Billie just told me off for engraving my name in my set of drawers. And I remembered what she was talking about. One night when I was bored, I engraved my name in my drawers. It was all because I heard a story about my older brother mark (when he was 4) engraving his name in the piano. LOL. Well, enough from me I could rattle on forever about anything I want. Like the Diary of Anne Frank. It is so sad. But I don't want to depress you on this lovely summer nights (the suhummerrrr NIIYYYYHIIIIIYYYYGGGHHHTTTS) ooohkkk....

Well Billie told me to write blog ideas:

1. Write about one good thing, one bad thing and one thing you learned each day
2. Think about the most random thing and write about it
3. Write about all the things you know about Twilight
4. Have fun! Write about anything! Upload vids and photos and stuff.

Have fun blogging, Billie! From Steph. Back to you, Billie!