Well, today I recieved an awser from Kailtin to my questions about her blog. And, Toki Pona was one of my questions; what is it? Well, its a language that a lady called Sonja Elen Kisa created (or published) in 2000. With only 118 words and 14 basic sounds, I am interested to look further into, even learn this language. So, I'm going to find the offical Toki Pona Book, and buy it or borrow it. Has anybody heard of this book or own it? <<( I suppose im only asking Seph and Kaitlin-haha)^ Well, Steph, that was my random thing to report about today. Now, twilight. Well, I am so close to finishing the first book now. Here's a quote I adour from the start of the book:
"That’s Edward. He’s gorgeous, of course, but don’t waste your time.
He doesn’t date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him." - Jessica.
I love it. Also, another one that I like:
"Your hair looks like a haystack, but I like it." -Edward Cullen.
Anway, I'd better get going. I going to go check out thee library now for the Toki Pona Book, which has been added to my Holiday Resolutions list:
-Find Toki POna Book
-Learn Toki Pona.
Catcha. x